Customer testimonials

“As a second generation contractor, my company’s reputation has been built on workmanship of superior quality. I only trust Naka’s Marble Company to fabricate and install my solid surface and cultured marble products. This company has been working with us from day one and has helped us achieve the customer satisfaction that we’re known to produce. With outstanding quality and customer service, I recommend this company to everyone I know.”
— Wrenworth K. Taniguchi, Mililani Kitchen & Bath Renovations Inc.. V.P.
“In 2010, Naka’s Marble did the counters for my kitchen renovation. This year, Naka’s did the shower stalls and lav tops for both bathrooms. I am very pleased with the workmanship of both projects. From the selection of materials and color to the final installation, everyone’s goal is to provide an excellent product and service. It is evident that customer service, courtesy and professionalism is very important to everyone at Naka’s. Without reservation, I would highly recommend Naka’s Marble for your kitchen or bathroom needs.”
— Vicki Tsuhako
“I have used Naka’s Marble for years and I would recommend them to any home owner or contractor when needing a bathtub or shower surrounding walls, including vanity and kitchen counter tops. You will be pleased to meet their knowledgeable and pleasant staff when viewing their elegant showroom. Can’t imagine using anyone else!”
— — -Frank C. Duarte, D’s Plumbing
“As someone who has a physical handicap, taking a shower in a step-in tub/shower was becoming more difficult and more unsafe. Naka’s walk-in shower design works perfectly for me and will continue to do so even if a walker or wheelchair becomes necessary. The cultured marble material looks beautiful, plus the finish of the shower floor feels very secure and safe. Mahalo to Naka’s Marble for making my life a little easier and safer!”
— Bill Bailey
“I have been working with Naka’s Marble Company LLC for over 25 years… “SAY NO MORE”, that says a lot… Great prompt service, great workmanship, and a great friendly staff!!!”
— Steven N. Matsuura, SNM Builders LLC, Owner